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Accroches-toi a ton reves
MOTORCYCLE LUBRICATION: Facts, fiction and folklore
Je suis toujours vivant. Ne jamais se rendre
Un lache meurt mille morts mais un homme courageux meurt mais une fois
Est-ce que je vous manque encore? - Merveilleux Papa
Wham-a-lama-bama-lama nous ne vous aimons pas - Ellie Oakley
(enabled by the ignorance, apathy, cowardice and gullibility of the citizenry)
This is all about controlling you in case you haven't figured it out yet.
SARS is here. No sweat. Don't even bother washing your hands. You're fine.
The SARS Covid variant is here! Stop the planet! Hide in your basement!
(But only for two weeks to "flatten the curve")
The Delta variant is here! Everyone please panic
(But only until hospitalizations are down)
The Alpha variant is here! Please panic (again!)
(But only until the number of cases are down)
The Gamma variant is here! Be fearful and panic some more!
(But only until 70% of the population is vaccinated)
The Beta variant is here! Please cower in fear and keep panicing!
(But only until every person on the planet is vaccinated)
The Moronic ...errrr... Omicron variant is here!
The jab(s) we forced you to take don't protect against Omicron!
It's back to square one with the mask tryanny, shutdowns and forced vax mandates
Useful idiots and Karens: Please believe our lies and continue to be fearful!
(But only until there are zero cases of any Covid variant worldwide)
You no longer own your own body. The Democratic Party does.
Submit to the jab (and an unlimited number of frequent "booster" jabs), slave!
And continue wearing your obedience mask 7x24x365. FOREVER, peasant!
Surgical masks do *NOT* protect against Covid
We don't have to follow our own mandates because we're special and you're not.
Looters, arsonists and vandals are welcome to continue peacefully protesting
More unborn children are murdered every year in the USA by abortions than
have died of Covid since China released this USA-funded biological weapon on mankind.
Oh and BTW, we permanently rigged the elections so that you will never be
able to vote us out of office. Have a nice day!
If history teaches us anything, it's that civil liberties face grave risks when
governments proclaim indefinite states of emergency.
Let's go Brandon!
Anyone who would disrepect the American flag has never been handed a
folded one. If this undeniable fact offends you, don't let the door
hit you in the ass when you exit this site snowflake.
If you have to be persuaded, reminded, pressured, lied to, incentivized,
coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and
criminalized ... If all of this is considered necessary to gain your
compliance -- you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted
is not in your best interest. - Ian Watson
President Biden unilaterally revokes the First Amendment
creating the Federal Bureau of Speech and Thought Police
aka The DHS Disinformation Governance Board
(Rebranded as the "online policy task force" on June 16, 2022)
Run by armed Gestapo thugs who will haul you away in the middle of the night
A rigged 2020 election caused this shitstorm. 2000 mules, an undeniable fact
Be afraid. Be very afraid!
The creeps running America intend to destroy it. And you if you get in their way
Vote like your life depends on it, because it does. Literally.
Vote *ALL* Democrats and RINOs out of office or suffer the consequences!
If you still don't fear the deep state then you truly are a clueless imbecile.
A mandate is a tyrannical dictum. It is *NOT* an enforceable law created by a Legislature.
Familiarize yourself with the US Constitution and how the American system of government is *SUPPOSED* to operate.
Trump haters: You got what you wanted - A corrupt, totalitarian government and
full blown Communism. Not Socialism. Totalitarian State Communism.
Tyrannical government coercion is what you voted for. This is your new normal.... dipshits
Our new and improved America, filled with unicorns and free ice cream. #ThanksJoe
When the sheep can't get basic survival items like food and fuel, it's going to get ugly.
The jab works and you will die if you don't get it. But, you still must wear an
obedience mask.
Freedom in 2022: Do what the government wants voluntarily or they will force you.
If you believe in the Constitution the US "justice system" will flag you as
a domestic terrorist and the corrupt FBI will soon be breaking down your door and hauling you away to a political prison.
Just two weeks of tyranny until we "flatten the curve" - then you can have your
rights and freedoms back. Would your government lie to you?
Still waiting... #ThanksCommieDemocrats
Irish Democracy. It's coming....
Cowards will never understand: I would rather die of Covid than exist under tyranny.
August, 2022: The Democrats officially weaponize the IRS to be used against
any taxpayer who does not fully submit to the corrupt Biden administration
The corrupt DOJ raids President Trumps' home with the objective of preventing
him from running in 2024. This is a historic event and proves what a banana
republic America has become. Meanwhile, the DOJ refuses to investigate the
rigged 2020 election, Hilary or Hunter Biden. Or our corrupt President, "the
big guy".
The corrupt media continues as the propaganda arm of the democratic party
And in case you've been napping, the FBI are the armed "Domestic Terrorist" thugs
Not parents who object to their children being indoctrinated with woke ideology
Welcome to life under the 4th Reich
War is being waged against the global population: This means you!
The New World Order: oppressive totalitarianism
September 27, 2022: Biden blows up the Nordstream pipeline causing a global
environmental catastrophe which may also trigger a nuclear war with Russia.
Biden is not only corrupt and senile he is a homocidal maniac and imbecile.
Millions and perhaps billions could die before this insanity ends.
*YOU* voted for this fucking idiot so suffer the consequences of your stupidity.
Been in a coma?
Here's what's been happening in
America while you were sleeping.
I'm not religious at all. But I do have a strong belief in a Higher
Power. I beieve that God's hand saved Trump from certain assassination
and did so for a reason. Trump is under God's omnipotent protection and
I believe that Trump will put America back on course. How great thou
art, almighty God! Thank you for saving the Country I love!
Je prefere mourir debout comme un homme que de vivre a genoux
Accroche-toi a ton reve
Toujours vivant
I prefer to believe that the American elections are rigged and that the
United States of America is now a corrupt police state banana republic.
Accepting the reality that there are 85 million Americans who are so
utterly stupid that they actually voted for these idiots is just too
stunningly depressing to acknowledge.
I don't blame these corrupt, autocratic tyrants and imbeciles in government.
That's what people like that do. I blame the useful idiots and morons who
keep these criminals in office. A troop of Chinese girl scouts could invade
and conquer the USA in a matter of hours. Who's going to stop them? These
"woke", pansy beta males? America is screwed and these so-called progressive
liberals that voted to destroy this country are not going to like living
under communism. These perpetually butt-hurt snowflakes will be the first
to be herded into the shreddder. And it couldn't happen to a more worthy
group of losers.
That Biden/Harris sticker on your Prius says, "Hi. I'm a fucking idiot!"
Harley Davidson's latest
pricing scam launched in 2023 with the marketing
snow job saying "We provide a premium customer experience to create
customers for life". Yeah, right. A $7,000 added dealer profit markup
because Harleys are in great demand? Exactly where would that be? Who is
so incredibly stupid that they would pay or finance $7,000 in negative
equity for an already overpriced, poor reliability motorcycle?
Well, 80+ Million imbeciles supposedly voted for Biden so I suppose stupid
posers and wannabes are out there.
Dead of Winter Adventures
Steam Train Rides
Ghost Towns
Colorful Weeds
Season Openers
Excellent Adventures
Klaatu barada nikto
Museums & Car Shows
Season Finales
My Portfolio
Miss Eloise, Queen of the Woild!
Founder and owner of The Eloise Company
Makers of GET LOST! and other fine products
Wild Man Frank show flashback
Fats Domino cover, RIP Antoine
Happier times at CHOM, Montreal, 1970's
My Boo-gee Whoo-gee Kinda goil
Lil Ed and the Blues Imperials
Samantha Fish
RIP, Killer
Magic Slim, RIP
More of Gerry Boulet, RIP
Ike Turner, Inventor of Rock 'n Roll, RIP
Street Legal cover
Beverly Guitar Watkins, RIP
My pal, John Geils, RIP
Boy, those were great days way back when
Shemekia Copeland
Her papa was on my show before she was born
Sweet Home Chicago
RIP Jake
There's worse ways to go...
Kim Wilson - still rockin!
Buried alive in the blues was written for
Janis Joplin. She died the night before
she was scheduled to record it. RIP Pearl
Robert Palmer and his all broad band - RIP
Lindsey and Stevie crash and burn
Hughie Thomasson - RIP
Ronnie Van Zant - RIP
Duane Allman - RIP
Buried alive in the blues was written for
Janis Joplin. She died the night before
she was scheduled to record it. RIP Janis
The greatest Rock & Roll song ever by the greatest rock band ever!
The first time I saw them in concert was in Montreal around 1975. Thanks
to a backstage pass by fellow DJ Billy Androsiak at CHOM FM radio.
Ronnie, Gary, Allen, Steve, Billy and all of them are now gone. And so, soon,
shall I also be. And what an incredible jam session I will be greeted by!
Eloise personally selected the above play list. Complaints? Call
1-800 GET LOST
Or bitch to the brainless woke commie children censors at Google
The Wild Man Frank Top of the Hop show
WILD 1090 AM radio
90 Warren St.
Roxbury, MA
1,000 watts of raw POWER!
In Memoriam: Wildman Steve Gallon
9/10/1925 - 9/1/2004 WPOP Miami
Reverend Steve, now spinning platters for our Maker
Rest in peace my very dear friend - I'll be along soon
If it's no longer 2025, chances are good that I'm dead. Boo-hoo....
If you like and appreciate this site, please consider making a small donation
to keep it going after I'm gone. Please click on the
DONATE button above. Every
little bit helps. Your donations will only be applied after I am no longer around
to make payments on this account. All funds will remain in the account untouched
until I am deceased and no longer able to pay the bill myself. Thanks so much
for keeping this site going after I'm gone! Hugely appreciated!
These pages were designed for high resolution, wide screen monitors
on computers with a high speed Internet connection
Copyright 1990-2025 Easyrider LAN Pro
TheOriginalEasyrider © 2025
Easyrider In The Wind Photography © 1972-2025
All rights reserved - nothing here may be copied without permission